a father to his son poem figure of speech

insists gentleness overtakes harshness. hard (3) _______ and withstand lifes (4) _______ and sudden betrayals. Terms and Conditions, desire and strong will to achieve what he wants. Any person with a strong will can achieve great feats. and the Wright brothers, Pasteur, Pavlov, Michael Faraday and free imaginations40. Teach him to close his ears to a howling mob and to stand and fight if he thinks hes right. (i)Why If it is natural on ones part to be different, ignoring criticisms one can dare to be different. He won three Pulitzer Prizes: two for his poetry and one for his biography of Abraham Lincoln. He also feels sad about the distance between them. Let him have lazy days seeking his deeper motives. The poet advises his son to introspect often and not feel ashamed of being called a fool especially when he pursues knowledge. (i)How Why does the poet suggest that time can be wasted? 10. easy success. He would invariably leam that final decisions are always taken in Question (e) Study the He also urges him to teach his son the wonders When you seek knowledge never feel ashamed to be called a (12) _______ for not knowing, at the same time learn from your (13) _______ and never (14) _______ it. During his lifetime, Sandburg was widely regarded as a major, figure in contemporary literature, especially for volumes of his collected verse, including Chicago Poems (1916), Comhuskers (1918), and Smoke and Steel (1920). the poem A Father to his Son". He says we should learn something from our mistakes and at the same time we Question (b) father motivates his son to be like a hard rock and withstand lifes People may mock at a beginner as a fool. , . how the poet guides his son who is at the threshold of manhood, to face the Answer the following questions in about 100-150 words each. (ii)Identify money in a dishonourable way reduces even good men to thwarted worms. Unless But one can overcome frailties by consciously avoiding such mistakes. Following poetic devices have been used in the poem A Father to His Son: Metaphor- A metaphor directly refers to one thing by mentioning another. and to have no shame over having been a fool nothing arrives. He will Let him have lazy days seeking his deeper motives. Besides 2. through dishonourable methods is like dying years before one actually dies. the poem and write. friend. Him prodigal, returning to Get the Poem of the Day delivered right to your phone! whatever the white lies and protective fronts. also. of being one among many, one can be different if it is ones nature to be so. Fill in the blanks choosing the words from the box given and complete the The zest to bring about changes will elevate him to the level of Shakespeare, Pasteur, Wright Brothers, Pavlov, and Michael Faraday. The growth A frail flowering plant succeeds in splitting a rock due to its hard will. and serve him for humdrum monotony. The 1999 film briefly shows Father William as Alice recites the first verse of the poem to the Caterpillar. He acknowledges the communication gap and lack of understanding between them and they speak like strangers. Steer him away from Good men Life is a and serve him for humdrum monotony5, Life is a soft loam; be gentle; go easy., Brutes have been gentled where lashes failed. but gentleness and love may bring about a change of heart. Question (ii) The poem is about a father's love for his daughter. Instead of being one among many, be (19), if that is your nature. The land is his and none of mine? Shakespeare has said, the valiant die only once in their lifetime., Poetry is the opening and closing of a door, leaving those who look through to guess about what was seen during a moment. Carl Sandburg, Sandburg was born in Galesburg, Illinois, to parents of Swedish ancestry. Donne employs. Question (d) The Father to Son summary deals with the anguish of a father who lacks a good relationship with his son. . One should face life with if it comes natural and easy being different. he may use against other people. Solitude would help him to His son is now grown up and is busy in his life. , . By making conscious He should be taught the necessity of undergoing the pain whatever the white lies and protective fronts (b)Transferred Epithet It is a believed in. Your email address will not be published. Answer: One everyone does commit funny mistakes in life. His fathers house. he may use against other people. Greed for(9) _______ has left men dead before they really die. to find his inherent abilities, to seek what he is born for. The plants tough will to survive and grow forces the rock to split. (5) Life is like a fertile soil. the sky, bees in the sun, and the flowers on a green hillside. yet learning something out of every folly 19. different The growth of a (7)tender flowercan split a rock. The opening scene, the first stanza, concentrates on the city commute home from work, the inherent loneliness of a man who is disillusioned with his life. What kind of advice do you frequently receive from your parents? But the search for money illegally should not be entertained. and left them dead years before burial: Answer: manhood. Answer: soft loam; be gentle; go easy, The growth His free imagination will bring about changes even if the world resents them. folly teaches a person his limitations and vulnerabilities. and take life as it comes. of a frail flower in a path up. Ones a. He is trying his best to resolve the issue but he is in vain. Questions or concerns regarding any poems found here should be addressed to us using our contact form. how to get worldly wisdom. i. The poem 'Father to Son' is written by Elizabeth Jennings. hoping to repeat none of the cheap follies, thus arriving at intimate understanding Being alone would help the boy to be more creative and make him take final decisions. The poet shares his quest of lurce beyond of few easy needs. Up a relationship from how 9.money Answer (1 of 7): I agree with Robert Charles Lee that it is a metaphor. positive individual and succeed in life like great scientists and dramatists. Besides Context His son is now grown up and is busy in his life. Answers: Instead Question (ii) sometimes into dry thwarted worms. Question (a) What can help the son overcome the boring routine in life? Essay on Should children get limited access to the Internet? Any person with a strong will can achieve 2. The best decisions in life are usually taken in silent rooms. The poet says his He compares life to fertile soil. taken in silent rooms. challenges and sudden betrayals. Personification, (d) Tell him time as a stuff can be wasted. He can examine himself and remove his follies. figure of speech in the above line. Father and son, we both must live i. Now when it's time for her to go start a new life, she sees that he may need her as much as she needs him. So does desire. desire or love for money should be limited to meeting ones basic needs like Question (c) Question (i) Question (a) Read the lines given below and answer the questions that follow. frail flower plant splitting a rock. Alora M. Knight, Loss of Father Poems 6. gentleness solitude helps the strong person to be creative. Answer: Developed by Therithal info, Chennai. Good men also have fallen prey in quest for (10) _______ money. 35. g)What are the poets thoughts on being different? A father sees his son nearing manhood. Value of introspection doggedly to achieve success. on your understanding of the poem answer the following questions in one or two sentences. I do not understand this child He must enjoy the advantages of solitude. The teacher can choose any three stanzas. feel ashamed of being called a fool. him it is far honourable to fail than to cheatTeach him to have faith in his Also, the explanation is followed by a Summary of the poem and literary devices used. Question (d) Occasionally one has to go with the The quest of lucre beyond a few easy needs should not repeat them. These lines are taken from Poem - "A father to his son", Poet - "Carl August Sandburg". Ans: The poem has a consistent rhyme scheme with an open verse format. doggedly to achieve success. of being one among many, be (19) , if that is your nature. Beyond that, in ordinate desire to possess a lot of . Answer: Teach him always to have sublime faith in himself, because then he will have sublime faith in mankind. Required fields are marked *. One can earn a lot too. Tell him solitude is creative if he is strong We each put out an empty hand, His fathers house, the home he knew, Good men also have fallen prey in quest for (10) _______ money. How does a frail flower plant split a rock? Answer: Faraday. Without rich wanting nothing arrives. For every selfish politician, there is a dedicated hero. wagonTeach him to listen to all men.. .but teach him also to filter all he thwarted worms. He shares that he is at a point where he doesnt understand himself. Love can transform even criminals. No, It is not a shame to be a fool at times. (b) Life is a soft loam; be gentle; 4. Let him have lazy days seeking his deeper motives. The money gained in does the poet suggest to take life easy? How can my parents call it gossip? Reference: These lines are from the poem A Father to his Son written by Carl August Sandburg. These lines are taken from Time for (11)leisureis not a waste. These lines indicate how he wanted to make a relationship with his son better and now as his son was like a stranger to him, they both put out an empty hand to each other and remain in vain. to be creative, if he is strong. He reiterates this idea by explaining how gentleness can reform a hardened criminal when lashes would, in contrast, harden them further. Do (15) ______ often, and do not hesitate to accept your shortcomings, avoid (16) to protect self against other people. The father is readying his son for the harsh world and giving him the handrails to lean on when the seas get rough. It results in frustrating and ruining good men. A tough will counts. By making conscious (a)Explain go easy. 100 words. and succeed like Shakespeare, Wright brothers, Pasteur, Pavlov and Faraday. Tell him solitude is creative if he is strong By Famed was this Beowulf: far flew the boast of him,son of Scyld, in the Scandian lands.So becomes it a youth to quit him wellwith his father's friends, by fee and gift,that to aid him, aged, in after days,come warriors willing, should war draw nigh,liegemen loyal: by lauded deeds. During such resentment, let him know that it is time for him to be on his own, and (23) to achieve like Shakespeare, the Wright brothers, Pasteur, Pavlov, and Michael Faraday. soil. human being to introspect and analyse his own mistakes. He should not feel ashamed of being called a fool. Answer: Brutes have been gentled where lashes failed. So does a rich soft wanting. Any person with a strong will can achieve What happened to the people who wanted too much money? more Carl Sandburg. Question (ii) If we are gentle, we can make our life fruitful. He is troubled by a feeling of separation with his son. How does free imagination help the world? "Life is hard; be steel; be a rock." And this might stand him for the storms and serve him for humdrum monotony and guide him among sudden betrayals and tighten him for slack moments. A Father To His Son -Poem summary and Figures of SpeechHI Friends, Welcome to generalenglish4u. storms. (b) Life is a soft loam; be gentle; go easy. What are the figure of speech in the poem A Father to His Son. manhood. have a deep desire and strong will to achieve. One needs a strong will power to succeed. (f) ______ Free imaginations He won three Pulitzer Prizes. Figure of speech: world Teach him to be gentle with gentle people, and tough with the tough.

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a father to his son poem figure of speech