why homestuck is problematic

Why? Whatever. Example: MLP makes money not only by merchandising but also by ad sales, etc. Also, Hussie's author commentary say that it is "probable" for her to be autistic. I wish more people could tell the difference between art and the artist. Cool post though :). The solid sales performance also lifted the food retailer's profit margins. As he comes to better understand and accept himself for who he is, the homophobia fades from his vocabulary, he opens up to people, and allows more of his vulnerabilities to show though. Homestuck feels like a glorified, expensive, vaguely ornery version of my childhood game. Why it matters: Silvergate had an unusually strong balance sheet but Homestuck has three characters with definite disabilitiesTavros, Terezi, and Solluxthough for the purposes of this article, I will focus on Tavros and Terezi as, ever since Sollux has become blind, we simply have not had much screen time with him to merit analysis at this point. Why else would he made the prison comment? Pedophilia and incest in one fell swoop. All tags have a real use in the text. This applies to the treatment of Mituna, who due to the overexertion of his psychic powers received brain damage that altered his personality. Kismessitudes really were just abusive relationships (we never saw a healthy example, the "dead ringer" of a black romance, Spades Slick and the troll's Black Queen, has BQ stab Slick in the eye and cut off his hand and Slick later shooters her. The very same iteration of Vriska that is also 13. Pyscholonials doesnt give in to hopelessness. And then theres this whole other universe filled with aliens, Trolls, who already played it. 1,362,830. We have different media, slang, food, hobbies, etc, so Hussie's references soared straight over my head. Such a cool set of powers that only works in something like Homestuck. Point 2: Homestuck is INTENTIONALLY challenging. ), heres an approximation of just how insane that is: new writers are advised that the first book the try to publish should be around 6070 thousand words. The fact that Homestuck isn't an anime makes them unpopular at anime conventions, despite things like video game and doctor who costumes being accepted in part because used to say caucasian before it was changed to peachy). Hussie suggests the personal allegorical elements in Psycholonials are more like points of inspiration. This story is about Z after all, not himself. I don't agree with the original doc, but yes, OP wrote a terribly annoying post. But Homestuck wouldnt be Homestuck if not for Hussies tendency to add more when in doubt, so here we are. Theres also the fact that the epilogues have no qualms about crushing aspects of the story the reader may have enjoyed. The impressive thing is, these couldve easily just been throw-away, cheap, forced, gags. Unless you believe the existence of these controversies is a matter of opinion, as I'm willing to firmly disagree with you on that matter. Just don't think it's safe for your thirteen-year-old brother just 'cause the protagonist is the same age xDD. Homestuck has always pushed the boundaries in some regards but it is also a product of the inherent freedom of speech awarded to an internet based medium, failing to see this while reading though it is staggering honestly. Or Faygo. Troll society is vastly different from human society. If you actually read Hussie's tumblr about that incident, you would see that he specifically changed it not because people were upset about it but because other people on tumblr were using the canonicalization of tricksters as white to be nasty to others and he didn't want anything to do with that. Its a prime example of how even years after Homestuck and Hiveswap were completed the distance Hussie keeps between himself and his fandom doesnt keep his work from spiraling out into controversy. "The Help" became the most-watched movie on Netflix over the past week, according to their US trend bar. Homestuck directly lead me to writing as much as I do now. For the Beta Kids, it's Jade, for the Trolls it's Vriska, and for the Alpha kids it's Dirk. Banning from conventions. Reminder to message me @colorfulconstellations if you would like to apply to be a mod! Two friends who realize they see each other as something more I live for that kind of stuff when its done right. Andrew Hussie! I think a lot of new authors start out by aping works they admire. No, I am pretty sure that's because there's a sex "scene" that they didn't want children to see. Accusations of certain characters beings Mary Sues. The content vacuum created by a cryptid leader results in overwhelming conditions of parasociality, and the projections of personality, morality, and biographical data onto the blank-slate leader can get ludicrous, and often pretty spiteful. While the "fat!Vriska" joke is still prevelant in the fandom, Vriska tends to be portrayed as fairly skinny in the fanart, and it's Ferferi who's often drawn as fairly chubby (as is Jane, but she's a bit less controversial). hating her or not hating her and liking her as a character and oh my god can we please stop talking about Vriska). Except, https://www.homestuck.com/story/386 has this to say: EB: that's fine, you are entitled to your opinion, i am just saying that being a white guy who is a rapper with a ventriloquist doll is not cool by any stretch of the imagination or by any definition of word cool, ironic or otherwise. The story feels like a retelling of the hell-year that was 2020, but Hussie started drafting the story back when everyone was just starting to be stuck inside for the first time. Small business owner, political organizer, and professional writer based in the Puget Sound area. The April 2019 epilogues are less a long-awaited conclusion to an epic and more the last spasms of a stream-of-consciousness-turned-webcomic that collapsed under its own weight years ago. The counterargument to this is that John, the only character who is 100% confirmed to be canonically straight is very frequently paired with Dave and Karkat. Yes. Still, Hussie doesnt think every aspect of fandom is completely horrible. Some forms like writing fanfiction or creating fan art are a positive, fun activity. Its at this point that the epilogues diverge into two: a Meat timeline for the former and a Candy timeline for the latter. Smarter bloggers have tried and failed. The back half of the comic focuses on (in the most charitable definition of the word focus) the fight to stop Lord English. Even worse, Hussie confirming dersecest to be a canon ship in a doomed timeline in the most recent homestuck book, which is better explained in this post. Don't say we didn't warn you. When users affected by the problem try to access the DISH network system, all they get is a System is currently What is the cost? See, I love how I can just type stuff like that and it makes sense still. You can't tell just from what karkat said. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Its completely immune from in-story time logic, existing in exactly one place for all of time. The solid sales performance also lifted the food retailer's profit margins. How the hell do people extrapolate that? Conveniently, two EMBEDDED HYPERLINKS have been placed within your line of sight, each fitted with an ATTRACTIVE THUMBNAIL to guide your ravenous eyes in their general vicinity. WebMuch of Problem Sleuth's success can be ascribed to an audience's willingness to accept that all the weirdness is just part of the joke, and the next logical step that we see in Homestuck, where the Internet itself becomes raw material for narrative, allows for an even greater expansion of possibilities. At this point in the web-comic, they fix Tavros. His comic, Homestuck, published under the website MS Paint Adventures, followed a group of teens who accidentally brought about the end of the world with a copy of a video game. but the stance that critical enjoyment is impossible because of those aspects that don't look good today is pretty flawed. Okay so later John says nominally Jake is indeed not at fault for being abused but appreciate for a moment how a story about kids playing a computer got to this point. Characters can use special super-moves called Fraymotifs, a portmanteau of the words fray and leitmotif. Homestuck is the full power of the Internet refocused into an artistic and storytelling force the likes and scale of which I havent seen attempted again. Meanwhile Roxy, who is heavily implied to be straight is often paired with Jane and Callie. Taken from this page , here is a brief overview of ableism, how it impacts persons with disabilities, and its negative role in society. People generally overlook when boys are sexualized, (examples, all the shirtless art of the boys of BNHA, the entire Free series, etc.). Towards the end of the main story, the comic introduces (and fails to develop) the idea of the Ultimate Self: characters with full knowledge and the full lived experiences of every character that has ever existed. If a character uses a slur, the fault falls onto the character, not on the author (at least in my eyes). He is best known as the creator of Homestuck, a multimedia webcomic presented in the style of a text-based graphical adventure game, as well as other works in a similar style that were hosted on This is silly on a few levels. And he called himself on it too. Theres a problem with activations getting backed up, & stuck in our system. OK, I don't think I can say much about basing lesbian characters on bi people, because I am not an expert on that, but none of that even matters. Firstly, there is no total concensus within the text or with the characters. Please our crops are dying Cohen: yep! They also continually support gross artists, like Aeritus for example who has lots of merch on ffbf, and ships incest ships without much of a second thought despite being 27 years old. Reading Homestuck is no easy feat, and will take a large amount of time. As such, sometimes fanon theories are presented with direct alternatives to prompt the reader to think about the worth of their own opinion versus someone else's, as well as present logical, but opposing, perspectives. And then there are all the people who cant shroud themselves in secrecy. Is it racist? But Hussie questions those practices as a form of fandom, and redefines what the word really means today. I'm part of the tumblr community and several others. As Dirk ascends, though, he gains full awareness of the story itself. Theres the aforementioned not-finishing-the-story-ness I talked about earlier. People dissect drama around his work and become amateur reporters on matters internal to his company. Usually it's individuals but I really want to spread the subject matter to be broader, and Homestuck is what we're doing the next episode on. Hussies apprehension of fandom and the wild projections that come with presiding over one seem appropriate given how public comments on his work ignite controversy within the fandom. I don't think people give the tumblr community enough credit for how much creative content it produces, but they are right that the SJW side can get a little over the top. It spent its last moments introducing characters and mechanics only to turn around and not explain jack. Jade was one of my favorite characters. Oops replied to the wrong thing. SBaHJ is hailed as hilarious by being so INTENTIONALLY awful. The 10,000 dollar donors for Hussie's kickstarter. Tumblr community vs. every other community. Mainstream content producers can afford to turn a blind eye to smaller copyright infringements (though they can and do take steps to stop them when they are made aware of them!) Wait, Meenah is black now? Cyberduds. Hussie didn't make John and Karkat et al drop the r word to say anything about them, that's just a word he himself used to use, so his characters did too. After the epilogues to the story released in April 2019, the story stands at just over 1 million words. I expected good arguments and I see the same one used 3 times in a row. Apparently some things Hussie produced in the past were fairly misogynistic/racist, and there's some debate over what Hussie's current opinions are. Hussie initially spoke to Polygon before the Sarah Z video, but agreed to follow up conversations after its release. But then, homosexuality in a society where bisexuality is the norm is kind of a different thing. Dividend Yield. But maybe that's just my take. TSP problem is a classical problem since 1832 [from wiki]. You know where else that happens? N/A. You can purchase the interactive fiction on Steam. Hes just a cis man. If you have an argument other than deformed kids (which I just said they shouldn't have), go ahead and try to change my mind. why you lookiing at my flaiir. https://linktr.ee/moblack, Pumpkin Party in Sea Hitlers Water Apocalypse, pages that change their formatting to fit different, this first conversation between John and Terezi. A disruption in narrative events. Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is the latest product to feel the review bomb burn. Ending: I love Homestuck. Yes, Vriska did that. But each one is again key to understanding the story being told, fully integrated into comic. and the other half is him being completely oblivious to what the original poster means. Homestuck, Problem Sleuth, Sweat Bor and Helpful Jed. Maybe you watched a lot of Naruto, so your big project is filled to the brim with edgy ninjas and impractically sized swords. What Hussie describes is a dynamic that we see play out again and again online. Hi. Media can be challenging, but largely it offers a totally safe place for people to indulge, express and investigate ideas they would NEVER do in real life and therefore does NOT always reflect an individual's real life views. Why it matters: Silvergate had an unusually strong balance sheet but that wasn't enough to save it because in today's high-rate Every single one of those tags appears somewhere in the story, including but not limited to: unhealthy relationships, graphic depictions of violence, transphobia, rape, major character death, and (may God help us all) eggs. The Google docs had like 2 or 3 good points and the rest is just bullshit. In its heyday, the Homestuck fandom iterated and developed a lot of cultures that have come to characterize fandom today. In a flurry of accusations, the video called out both the studios financial decisions and Hussies own creative work as it pertained to the release of the game. Wi-Fi 6E is the latest Wi-Fi technology that provides faster speeds, lower latency, and improved overall network performance. Alternia, at least at first, is a dark joke about our real-world society. OK, but how is that racist? As it goes in the story, she was drunk driving, and after the cop gets physical with her, she grabs the gun from his holster and shoots. Homestuck fan here, The largest, most active Homestuck community. In Meat, the story blasts through at a lightning pace, but the characters we love get thrown into the background as the story concerns itself more and more with Dirk and Calliope. I still maintain that any album with a song entitled Pumpkin Party in Sea Hitlers Water Apocalypse is a good album by default on principle now and forever. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. But Im not really sure Ive got much of a lowdown to give. yes. MSPA is an epic sprawling online webcomics creation by Andrew Hussie (and supporting artists.) Pyscholonials isnt about Andrew Hussie and it isnt a Homestuck sequel. Ive yet to hear from Jane fans who had to watch the character Ben Shapiro her way into supporting actual genocide of an entire race of sentient beings. From $14.00 End Pose Print. In case it matters, I live in Europe and I have seen like 6 or 7 black people in my entire life. I honestly don't feel qualified to say. According to multiple reports, many users of DISH network services are facing issues during the authentication or login process to the companys platform. The end credits and post-end credits content were released in the style of Snapchat posts. I wouldnt be the snarky, nitpicking college kid with a blog if I didnt start that snarky nitpicking on Reddit and among fans complaining about, say, how retconning [S] Game Over totally ruined the emotional impact of the story up until that point. How can any story even get written then? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, "Hussie is terrible because of recent incidents like the released emails between the moderation team and him". A federal prison will be our emerald city. Too bad the post is gone. In both the SFW and NSFW route, there was no mention of him being trans. Dedicated fans even created a browser extension that notified you the moment new Homestuck content went up. Homestuck is honestly a sprawling epic I mean, kind of. A hole in plot, if you will. This has of course produced some backlash within the community. WebWhy Homestucks Disaster of an Epilogue was so Bad 9,982 views Jul 7, 2019 330 Dislike Share Skooter 58 subscribers Omg I started this April this took me like 3 and a half months sksksskks. This fits in with the medical model of ableism, described on stopableism.org as: The power to change disabled people seems to lie with the medical and associated professions, with their talk of cures, normalization, and science.This enormous crime that they do to Tavros is never critiqued or addressed as problematic in any way; instead it is brushed off as being perfectly acceptable, like every other instance of ableism in Homestuck. After all (Vriska)'s whole personality changed. Dirk, though, happens not to subscribe to Uncle Bens mantras about power and responsibility. WebKate Mitchell. But it's also a prime example of the hidden insolvency that exists across much of the banking sector. Why didn't you mention that one? Its also an allegory for what Im doing presently with Psycholonials. I know that Im asking questions, and sometimes thats good enough. "Queer Eye" star Karamo Brown recently told INSIDER that he thinks the beloved film about a gay relationship, " Call Me by Your Name ," is "problematic as f---." Like how Vriska, a character who spent the entire comic inserting herself into important story events in a quest to become the most important character of the narrative, ends up trapped in Candy, locked away forever from canon. We did investigate it. Back then, fans popularized in-character discussions where fans could roleplay characters through an online chat. If I release a book full of just Nazi shit but end it by saying "BTW these aren't my views I was writing as a character lol" I can't use that to cover my ass for writing a book full of Nazi shit. And the world ends. MS Paint Adventures by Andrew Hussie. It wasn't even that funny! Still, he said that the text works as a thematic followup to his entire experience with building a fandom. A quick search on Reddit reveals dozens of threads discussing questions like What happened to andrew hussie? and other posts tracking the creators activity on social media platforms like Tumblr. The player is driven to suicide due to a callout post from cirava after they accuse the player of copying them, Theres a legit slave owner character that the fandom insists on defending no matter what. While its about revolution, its told in a refreshingly modern and relevant way. My praise of Homestucks music is really part of another thing I like about the comic. And when she tries to get better she says fuck it and focuses all this on the player instead. Point 4: Explanation and justification are not the same. The Meat author, portrayed here by Dirk, is hyper-focused on moving the plot forward. Perhaps youll click the first. Why St. Pauls sales tax hike proposal is problematic. Still, I think after a bit, writers that stick with it eventually realize these early influences never leave them. That'd apply if the author was using it in dialogue for a particular reason, to say something specific about the characters, and not just because it was in the author's own regular vocabulary. Rather than being a swapped preference, it is a more exacting preference. Some intentional, some not. Good job. Is this. I can only say that theyre interesting to consider if you happened to have read them. Brown, who has worked with survivors of sexual assault as a therapist and social worker, believes that the movie glorifies " predatory behavior." And then theres this gang war between these black alien mobsters, the Midnight Crew, and a time gang, the Felt, whos boss, Lord English is destined to destroy the multiverse. So to that end I'd like to know what events caused the biggest splash with fans. I just had no idea until you told me just now. All of them are real. I came to regard that fandom as being pretty close to a cult. Vriska and Terezi were close friends during their childhood, who on Alternia formed the Scourge Sisters, Team Charge's FLARP rivals. Its tempting the ask which one is canon and which one isnt: but thinking the answer through makes you realize thats not much of a question at all. Following the incident, What Pumpkin, Hussies former Homestuck production company (which he has since left), threatened to sue Sarah Z. that is my mission, and that is why you can't fucking stand me. If it is morally wrong, I want explanations.). /*# sourceMappingURL=https://www.redditstatic.com/desktop2x/chunkCSS/UsersCountIndicator.2ab8dda40f822a31d31c_.css.map*/to which I say yes. Her "whole deal is being a lesbian"? While weve seen characters manipulate time before, Lord Englishs control over all of time in all of its forms is so absolute, his presence in the narrative is already guaranteed. Im more interested in what the story has to say about authorship generally than I am in the particularities of Dirk as a villain, though. Calliope and Dirk at times fight for control of the narrative, Dirk engineering the story to fit his purposes, and Calliope trying her best to let events play out as they would naturally. Wed take turns role-playing a story together, tacking on the next action with and then. And yes, they were still in a black romance together) until like Act 6 when John starts feeling black feelings towards Terezi and suddenly it's much more wholesome than literally any other example we'd seen until then. This doesn't excuse every instance, but Homestuck generally invites its readers to think critically about what's being said. Webi do think there is a lot to say on why homestucks fanbase is (to put it bluntly) so transgender in such a specific and interesting way. That should be plenty to say on how wrong it is, with Meenah being a literal adult and this Vriska being a literal child. WebVrisrezi is the femslash ship between Terezi Pyrope and Vriska Serket from the Homestuck fandom. nothing you have written is debunking anything, it's just you saying you don't agree/see it. Secondly, much of what the document draws attention to are things criticised within the text. Cart; chantelle jamieson married A subreddit for Homestuck and the works of Andrew Hussie. In real life, if they have the option to choose their rate of fire, professionals like to stick to single-fire mode. than to disturb the comfortable and comfort the disturbed. to clarify my stance im a big homestuck fan im a big fan of toby foxs work im criticizing people who think homestuck is "too problematic" but think toby is "good and clean and safe" hes just as fucked up as the rest of us /pos. It does not mean animosity is what is taking place here. WebHomestuck has three characters with definite disabilitiesTavros, Terezi, and Solluxthough for the purposes of this article, I will focus on Tavros and Terezi as, ever since Sollux has become blind, we simply have not had much screen time with him to merit analysis Ardata literally has a red room esque set up, where she tortures trolls that she has caged in her hive. First, Tavros Nitram is treated abhorrently in Homestuck; his disability (he is in a wheelchair, paralyzed from the waist down) is oftentimes depicted in a hilarious way to try and make the audience laugh. And thats not even touching anything a part of Homestucks spin-off game, Hiveswap. DISH network users facing authentication or login issues. Last year, the worlds S.U.V.s collectively released almost a billion metric tons of carbon dioxide. So, no matter how much the story frustrates me or how disappointed I get, I feel like I have to look at it in some way. Flipping and flipping with no ending or proper resolution in sight. He doesnt let characters act like their nature would suggest, and instead manipulates them to fulfill some larger purpose. I asked Hussie if he thinks everyone should just log off. They dont have a concept of incest and I wouldnt be surprised if they werent bothered by age Gaps either with how impersonal their mating is. Problem Sleuth Office Print. And I have nothing. Because automatic fire is inaccurate. To him, a reluctant cult leader will withdraw from the spotlight and rarely address their followers. Last year, the worlds S.U.V.s collectively released almost a billion metric tons of carbon dioxide. If you are talking about, Karkat: hey asshole, stop playing games for girls, then I see it differently from you. It is easy to wonder how connected the two things are, and to wonder why one of the very, very few disabled characters has to also be a social outcast. Habitat for Humanity calls this sweat equity, which is a required part of the program participants must gain hundreds of hours of volunteer work by helping build homes. A subreddit for Homestuck and the works of Andrew Hussie. What Pumpkin, unlike Hasbro, is not a media giant with multiple branches and properties under its wings; it's a (very) small business with a very direct relationship between items sold and revenue made. The difference should be obvious, Devils advocate here: She's small, not neccesarily young. To start, www.stopableism.org is a great resource for learning more about what ableism actually is. Gross Margin. Read it on a computer. (As he puts it, its about the things its about.) The story presents a modern path to revolution in which the catalyst for the overthrow of an imperialist system is not the military strongmen of old, but a young woman with social media savvy. Regardless, the intense gaze of the man in the thumbnail dares you to go on and see what the hell this is all about. Please/You're welcome: (para-kah-LOE) In Greek, the word for "please" and "you're welcome" is the same, making it all the more easy to learn. It seems selecting it will save you from having to look at this awful parody gag FOR ANOTHER GODDAMN SECOND. The mock content warnings that show up at the beginning of the epilogues are not mock anything and are entirely legit. What am I reading here? They're not human. Given the comics exponential trajectory it set for itself early on, it had to get this meta at some point.

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why homestuck is problematic