is nh4c2h3o2 an acid or base

2. Which of the following are valid assumptions used in solving weak-acid equilibria problems? salt that gets formed takes the nature of the strong parent. Acid dissociation is represented by the general equation HA + H2O (l) H3O+ (aq) + A- (aq). And on the other hand, when we have a weak acid Now the next step is to find out what is the nature of acid and base. Instructions. Is an aqueous solution of NaCNO acidic, basic, or neutral? Pause the video and think about this. Given the acid-base equilibrium HCN (aq) + HCO3- (aq) CN- (aq) + H2CO3 (aq); pKa for HCN = 9.2 and pKa for H2CO3 = 6.3. Anion has no effect on pH b/c they're the conjugate bases of strong acids. Kb ammonia = 1.8 x 10-5. Below 7, acidic. Expert Answer 1 . A strong acid will have a _____ Ka value and a _____ pKa value. Explain. (Assume a solution is neutral if its pH is 7.00 plus-minus 0.05). So this time I can combine acetate ion and H ion, right? A particular salt contains both an acidic cation and a basic anion. Now let's try to do one more example. NHCl, ammonium chloride, and I have to find out its' nature. Write the formula of the conjugate base of the Brnsted-Lowry acid, HCO 3. The equilibrium expresion for this reaction with what we already know. An acid-base reaction occurs when one species loses a proton and another species simultaneously gains a proton. The anion is the conjugate base of a weak acid. Lewis base What makes an acid weak? List molecules Acid and Base This lesson will define and describe examples of how to identify chemical reactions, along with showing the difference between chemical and physical changes. Ammonium acetate {eq}\rm \left( {N{H_4}{C_2}{H_3}{O_2}} \right) For example, for NH4C2H3O2. Select all that apply. We can easily tell the functional group -COO from this formula, but it is harder with C2H3O2. True or false: For any acid-base reaction, Ka x Kb = Kw for the reacting acid and base. Classify the salt as acidic, basic, or neutral. Classify NH4Cl as a strong acid, a strong base, a weak acid, or a weak base. The degree of hydrolysis of 0.1 M solution of ammonium acetate is 8.48 * 10^{-5}. A. The solution is neutral. a) the concentration of each acid solution b) the pH of each acid solution c) the equilibrium constant of each acid d) all of these e) both a and c must be known ANS: c) the equilibrium constant of each acid PAGE: 14.2 22. HCN is a _____ acid than H2CO3, and the equilibrium as written will lie to the _____ and favor the formation of the _____. Acidic solutions have a _____ pOH than basic solutions. So to get back the acid and base, we can exchange the Acidic solution. Question = Is C2Cl4polar or nonpolar ? In both cases the equilibrium favors the dissociation products, and water is said to exert a effect on any strong acid or base. Blank 1: H3O+, hydronium, hydronium ion, or H+ So why don't you pause the video and try this by yourself first. An acid-base reaction can therefore be viewed as a proton- process. called the how of this. Relative Strength of Acids & Bases. Since pK = -logK, a low pK value corresponds to a _____ K value. While you may have never heard of darmstadtium, believe it or not, it has something in common with gold, oxygen, and lead. Perhaps they gain the characteristic of their dominant parent: the acid or base. Is an aqueous solution of CH3NH3Cl acidic, basic, or neutral? 2. Select all that apply. 3. molecules of sodium hydroxide will dissociate, break Select all that apply. Ka for HCN is 5.8 x 10-10. C5H5NHClO4 The weak conjugate acid of the weak base pyridine is pyrridinium ion. C_2H_3O_2^- + H_2O ]rightleftharpoons HC_2H_3O_2 - OH^-;\;\;\;\textit{K}_b = 5.7\times 10^{-10} donates an electron pair. The solution is acidic. Nitrous acid, HNO2, has a Ka of 7.1 x 10-4. The greater the value of Kb, the the base. Which of the following statements correctly describes the behavior of strong acids, HA, in aqueous solution? Explain. Acidic. HCN is a _____ acid than acetic acid and will therefore have a _____ pKa value. Select all that apply. The second step was to find the nature of the given acid and base. Strong Acid. All rights reserved. Become a member to unlock this answer! In the reaction of boric acid with water, we have B(OH) 3 + H 2 O B(OH)-4 + H +. Is NaCN acidic, basic, or neutral? D. Strongly basic . Baking soda and ammonia, common household cleaners, are a. Soluble salts that contain anions derived from weak acids form solutions a. Fe(NO3)3 b. NH4I c. NaNO2. going to be basic in nature. Classify the following salt solutions as acidic, neutral, or basic. Bases are molecules that can split apart in water and release hydroxide ions. In this lesson, you'll learn all about temperature. For example, consider the addition of 15. mL of 0.20 M NaOH to 10. mL of 0.30 M HC 2H 3O 2. Show your work. In this equation, [HA] and [A] refer to the equilibrium concentrations of the Conjugate acid-base pairs (video) - Khan Academy acid-base pair used to create the buffer solution.Aug 24, 2021 488 Math Tutors For solutions with the same initial concentration of acid HA, the smaller the value of Ka, the _____ the % dissociation and thus the _____ the acid. now, then don't worry. ionization constant for water. Is an aqueous solution of KClO4 acidic, basic, or neutral? Question = Is CF2Cl2polar or nonpolar ? Arrhenius base, accepts an electron pair. An acid is any hydrogen-containing substance that is capable of donating a proton (hydrogen ion) to another substance. A Lewis acid absorbs an electron pair from a Lewis base, resulting in the formation of a coordinate covalent bond. All materials are barcoded. Which of the following species is present in the greatest concentration in a 1.0 M solution of CH3COOH? Explain. Predict whether an aqueous solution of each of the following salts will be acidic, basic, or neutral. could someone please redirect me to the other videos which explain how and why the salts take on their dominant parent's properties? A base is an acids chemical opposite.. A- is a weaker base than OH-, and the equilibrium will lie to the left. What K+ is a neutral ion and CN- is a basic ion. Blank 3: negative or minus. Since acetate [OH-] = Kw[H3O+]Kw[H3O+] = 1.010141.5. Blank 2: lone , nonbonded, nonbonding, non-bonding, non-bonded, unshared, or unbonded Subsititute equilibrium values and the value for Kb to solve for x. Blank 1: transfer, exchange, or exchanging. See Answer Is ammonium acetate (NH4C2H3O2) acidic, basic, or neutral in pH? They go under nucleation reaction, and a salt and water is formed, right? A deliquescent white crystalline solid, it has a relatively low melting point (114) for a salt. Is SbCl5 ( Antimony pentachloride ) polar or nonpolar ? Question = Is if4+ polar or nonpolar ? Direct link to Pi|GLA's post We write it like that so , Posted 2 years ago. If you're behind a web filter, please make sure that the domains * and * are unblocked. How do you know? Acid, base, and neutral compounds can be identified easily with the help of pH values and their dissociation constants. Intracellular pH values around 7 are maintained by various buffer systems, including CO 2 /H 2 CO 3 /HCO 3 , and by transmembrane ion transporters [24, 25]. Instructions. Hydrogen atoms bonded to carbon do not ionize. Reason: Direct link to rahulram05's post Is there any chart which , Posted 3 years ago. It exists as all ions. Select all that apply. Calculate the Kb value for the acetate ion (CH3COO-) if the Ka value for acetic acid (CH3COOH) is 1.8 x 10-5. then we get salt and water. Select all that apply. Will an aqueous solution of Li2S be acidic, basic, or neutral? Explain. Indicate whether the following salts will produce basic, acidic, or neutral pH when dissolved in water. 2) Is the solution of NH4NO2 acidic, basic or A Bronsted-Lowry base is a proton . Explain. If something shiny has ever caught your eye, chances are it was made of metal! C2H3O2 is the strong conjugate base of a weak acid. What is the pH of a solution that is 0.0260 M in CH_3NH_3NO_3 at 25^\circ C? Select the two types of strong acids. Sodium hydroxide is found in drain cleaner. In a Bronsted-Lowry acid-base reaction, equilibrium will favor the _____ if the reacting acid and base are strong. Perchlorate anion is the conjugate base of perchloric acid, which is a highl View the full answer Previous question Next question Best Must-Know Tips When Playing Online Casinos in the States, Top 5 Oldest Investment Firms You Probably Didnt Hear About. 2. The pH of this solution will be greater than 7. The cation has no impact on the pH of the solution. Will ammonium nitrate give an acidic, basic, or neutral solution when dissolved in water? Strong base + strong acid = neutral salt Strong base + weak acid = basic salt Weak base + strong acid = acidic salt Weak base + weak acid = neutral salt Neutral. match each acid with the species that is/are present in the greatest concentration in the final solution. HCl, this is a strong acid. are strong and weak. A: If a strong acid and strong base is combine they form neutral salt Strong acid + strong base > question_answer Q: -10- 9) At 200C, the equilibrium constant for the reaction below is 2.40 x10. Now this means that not all the molecules of this acid are going to dissociate. a. Weak electrolytes include weak acids, weak bases, and a variety of other compounds. CH_3NH_2 is a weak base (K_b = 5.0 \times 10^{-4}) and so the salt, CH_3NH_3NO_3, acts as a weak acid. The compound ammonium acetate is a strong electrolyte. The product of a Lewis acid-base reaction is called a(n) , which is a single species containing a new bond. Reason: For nonmetal hydrides, acid strength increases from left to right across a period and increases down a group. What control procedures should be included in the system? Discover the difference between acids and bases, how to measure them on the pH scale, and how they affect flavor, and explore how hydrogen makes acids while hydroxide makes bases. An acid is a molecule or ion capable of donating a, In chemistry, bases are substances that, in aqueous solution, are slippery to the touch, taste astringent, change the color of, In chemistry, a salt is an ionic compound that can be formed by the neutralization reaction of an acid and a base. The conjugate acid of a neutral base will have a charge of +1. Select all that apply. answered by DrBob222. Direct link to aniketprasad123's post how salt can be acidic an, Posted 3 years ago. Is a solution with a pH of 4 extremely acidic, moderately acidic, slightly basic, extremely basic, neutral? is as follows: Where Ka is the ionization constant of the acid form of the pair, Kb Calculate [H3O+] in a solution with a [OH-] = 3.0 10-4 M. Is the solution acidic or basic? Second, write the equation for the reaction of the ion with water and the we will have to talk about many more concepts so Now let's write down the Well to do that, first of all I'll have to find out what acid and base would have reacted to give me this salt. (this only works with monoprotic (having one mol of proton/H+/H3O+ per mol of acid) acids and bases) Reuben Asare Badu can combine with OH-, this will go with OH-, and I'll get NH4OH and this is going to be a base. ion concentration, we can convert it into pOH and than find the pH. Ammonium acetate is an ammonium salt obtained by reaction of ammonia with acetic acid. Polar "In chemistry, polarity i Is NH4C2H3o2 an acid or base or neutral ? Okay, if you already are aware of this, let's move ahead. So we have a strong acid Given the heat of vaporization of mercury (296 J/g) and the vapor pressure of mercury at 25.0C(2.56103torr),25.0^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(2.56 \times 10^{-3}\ \text {torr }\right),25.0C(2.56103torr), what is the vapor pressure of the condensed mercury at 300.C?300 .^{\circ} \mathrm{C} ?300.C? The 0.10 M solution will have a higher [H3O+]. How many atoms of mercury are present in the mercury vapor at 300.C300 .^{\circ} \mathrm{C}300.C if the reaction is conducted in a closed 15.0-L container? Ba(CHO). Kb = 5.9 x 10-10. Acetic acid; Ka = 1.7 x 10^-5 Ammonia; Kb = 1.8 x 10^-5 This problem has been solved! [OH-] = Kw[H3O+]Kw[H3O+] = 1.010146.7102, Place the following pH values in order of increasing [H3O+]. Instructions, Select all the factors that affect the ease with which a proton is released from a nonmetal hydride (represented by the general formula E-H.), The strength of the E-H bond Will a solution of the salt NH4Cl be acidic, basic, or neutral? Rank the following 0.1 M salt solutions in order of increasing pH (lowest pH at the top of the list). Would a 0.1 M aqueous solution of ZnCl2 be acidic, basic, or neutral? Example: The Kb for aniline is 3.8 x 10-10. A 0.15 M solution of butanoic acid, CH3CH2CH2COOH, contains 1.51 x 10-3 M H3O+. acid. Let x = the amount of NH4+ ion that reacts with the water. Does (NH4)2SO4 when dissolved in water create a solution that is acidic, basic, or neutral? It becomes slightly acidic. Example: What would be the pH of a 0.200 M ammonium chloride Bronsted-Lowry base Answer = if4+ isPolar What is polarand non-polar? 1 . Which of the following is not true for a solution at 25C that has a hydroxide concentration of 2.5 10-6 M? So over here we have a weak acid but a strong base. b) Neutral because there is no hydrolysis. Instructions. Which of the following statements describe the behavior of strong and weak acids (general formula HA) in aqueous solution? In carboxylic acids, the ionizable proton is the one bonded to oxygen. Blank 1: H or hydrogen a. HI(aq) b. NaCl(aq) c. NH_4OH(aq) d. [H+ ] = 1 x 10^-8 M e. [OH- ] = 1 x 10^-2 M f. [H+ ] = 5 x 10^-7 M g. [OH- ] = 1 x 10^-1. Which of the following statements does NOT describe a type of weak acid? It is an oxoacid of bromine. In the days following surgery you are assigned to care for Ms. Thompson. Electricity is used in all aspects of your daily life, from powering your computers to your refrigerator. H2S is a _____ acid than HCl because S is _____ electronegative than Cl, while HBr is a _____ acid than HCl because the H-Cl bond is shorter and has _____ strength than the H-Br bond. Posted 3 years ago. Instructions. Determine the pH of the solution. The acid and base chart is a reference table designed to make determining the strength of acids and bases simpler. that the nature of the salt depends on the nature Few H+ ions have come off the acid molecule in water. Ka or Kb when the other is known. So in aqueous medium, K2S will be basic in nature.,, Creative Commons Attribution/Non-Commercial/Share-Alike. So the first step was to figure out the parent acid and base that could react to form this salt, right? We will make the assumption that since Kb is so small that the value Weak acids and weak bases are weak electrolytes. Ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) Calcium nitrate (Ca (NaO3)2) Basic salt: The salt which is made from strong base and weak acid or on hydrolysis gives strong base and weak acid are called basic salt. A 0.10 M solution of KCN will be acidic, neutral, or basic? C. Weakly basic. An acid donates a proton to form its conjugate _____ which therefor has one less _____ atom and one more _____ charge than its acid Base, Hydrogen, Negative The aqueous solution of a strong acid and weak acid are compared. A species that contains one or more atoms as well as one or more electron pairs can act as either an acid or a base, depending on the reaction. Classify each salt as acidic salt, basic salt, or neutral salt. The [HA] in solution will be relatively low. This is a reaction between ammonia (NH 3) and boron trifluoride (BF 3 ). It is the conjugate acid of a weak base (NH4+ is the conjugate acid of NH3) and the conjugate base of a weak acid (NO2- is the conjugate base of HNO2). With reference to the table of Ka values provided, select all the equilibrium acid-base reactions that will favor the products. So yes, it is a weak acid (NH4+) and weak base (NO2-). The others follow the same set of rules. NH3 is a weak base, therefore, the NH4^+ hydrolyzes. the nature of the salt. NH_3 is a weak base (K_b = 1.8 \times 10^{-5}) and so the salt NH_4Cl acts as a weak acid. Most compounds that contain nitrogen are weak electrolytes. Preparing for discharge, which complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapies do you recommend to help her deal with her depression and cancer diagnosis? The chemical formula of ammonium acetate is CH3COONH4. Which of the following common household substances are bases? Once a pair of shoes is finished, it is placed in a box. Hydrated cation acts as an acid. Select all the statements that correctly describe this system. participate readily in proton-transfer reactions. Select all that apply. All hydrohalic acids in Period 3 or below, Correctly order the steps necessary to solve weak-acid equilibria problems. Instructions. HCl (hydrochloric acid) HNO3 (nitric acid) HClO4 (perchloric acid) H2SO4 (sulfuric acid), NaOH (sodium hydroxide) KOH (potassium hydroxide) Ca(OH)2 (calcium hydroxide). Is the resulting solution basic, acidic, or neutral? So that's the answer. 2. Which of the following species could act as EITHER an acid OR a base? Note a salt may have low solubility in water, yet still be a strong electrolyte because the amount that does dissolve completely ionizes in water. Acidic b. [H3O+] = Kw[OH]Kw[OH-] = 1.010143.0104. The pH of a solution is a logarithmic value. - acidic, because of the hydrolysis of CH3NH3^+ ions. If neutral, write only NR. They can react with bases to produce salts and water. Is 4-methylphenol acidic, basic or neutral? Hence, H2PO4- can be treated as a weak, base as it is the conjugate base of a weak acid. A solution with a pH of 11.0 is _______ ? So the first step is done. So here we have a weak base reacting with a strong acid. Will NH4NO3 form an acidic, basic, or neutral solution when dissolved in water? The equation for (NH4)2SO4 is:H2SO4 + NH3 = (NH4)2SO4It is also useful to have memorized the common strong acids and bases to determine whether (NH4)2SO4 acts as an acid or base in water (or if it forms a neutral solution).Strong acids: HCl, H2SO4, HNO3, HBr, HI, HClO4Weak acids: HF, CH3COOH, H2CO3, H3PO4, HNO2, H2SO3Strong Bases: LiOH, NaOH, KOH, Ca(OH)2, Sr(OH)2, Ba(OH)2Weak Bases: NH3, NH4OHNote that we are talking about whether (NH4)2SO4 is an acid, base, or neutral when dissolved in water.- Salts of strong bases and strong acids: pH will remain neutral at 7.- Salts of weak bases and strong acids: pH less than 7 (acidic).- Salts from strong bases and weak acids: pH greater than 7 (alkaline).Based on these rules, the solution of (NH4)2SO4 dissolved in water is acid.For polyprotic acids (e.g. HClO2 + HCOO- HCOOH + ClO2- Select all that apply. A Lewis acid is any species that _____ an electron pair, whereas a Lewis base is a species that _____ an electron pair. Salts can be formed from the reaction of a strong acid and a strong base, a strong acid and a weak base, a weak acid and a strong base or a weak acid and a weak base. Are you looking for the best essay writers offering their assistance on the web? Experts are tested by Chegg as specialists in their subject area. Select all that apply. The strongest acid in an aqueous solution is the hydronium ion. (0.500). The latter reaction proceeds forward only to a small extent, the equilibrium 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. Exceptions: when it is in peroxides or in a compound with fluorine The algebraic sum of the oxidation numbers is always equal to 0, as long as the compound is neutral The algebraic sum of the oxidation numbers of a . To extract gold from its ore, the ore is treated with sodium cyanide solution in the presence of oxygen and water. NaCN, 7. A fund began operating on January |, 2005 ad used the investment year method t0 credit interest in the three calendar years 2005 t0 2007. We will look at sources of air pollution, the effect it has on us, and the environment we live in. 2. Weak acids and weak bases are weak electrolytes. Because Ka for a weak acid HA is ______, we can assume [HA]equilibrium [HA]initial. Alkanes, Alkenes, Alkynes, Aldehydes, Alcohol, 0.00010 M Classify an aqueous solution with H+ = 9.8 x 10-12 M as acidic, basic, or neutral. Which of the following options correctly describe the structural characteristics of strong and weak bases? 11.951 A polyprotic acid has more than one ionizable proton. The buffering range covers the weak acid pK a 1 pH unit. It has a role as a food acidity regulator and a buffer. Sodium acetate, CHCOONa. The solution will be basic. Which of the following choices correctly depicts the net ionic equation for the reaction of a strong acid (HNO3) with a strong base (KOH)? Problem: Acetic acid, HC2H3O2, is a weak acid that is in equilibrium in the following given reaction: HC2H3O2(aq) + H2O(l) H3O+(aq) + CH3CO2-(aq) a. KH2PO4 will generate OH- ions when disolved in water (therefore pH is rising), because is a salt derived from a strong alkali (KOH) and a weak acid (H3PO4). H3PO4) its a bit more complicated and we need to use Ka and Kb to determine the pH of the resulting solution.More chemistry help at It will be hydrolyzed to produce an acidic solution. acetate ions into the solution, which a few of these will interact with (see spelling differences), is a chemical reaction in which an acid and a base react quantitatively with each other. Select all that apply. Metal cations act like ______ when dissolved in water. An acid-base reaction can therefore be described as a(n) ______ transfer reaction. And now I can combine salt. Acids, base, and neutral compounds can be identifying easily with the help of pH values. Direct link to Uma's post The pH scale tells you ho, Posted 3 years ago. If the Ka of the cation is greater than the Kb of the anion, a solution of the salt will be ______. CH3COOH it has a OH so why it is considerd acid? The quantity -log[H3O+] is called the of a solution. Acidic. Salts of Weak Acid-Weak Base Reactions: such as NH4C2H3O2, NH4CN, NH4NO2, etc.. bases, when they react, they neutralize each other's effect. Which of the following mathematical relationships are correct for an aqueous solution at 25oC? Explain. NH4+ is an acidic ion and Cl- is a neutral ion; solution will be acidic. Write the following chart on the board Color PH . NH 4 + and CH 3-COO-are not a conjugate acid/base pair, which means that they do not constitute a . Select all that apply. Water I will write it as HOH. Reason: Is an aqueous solution of CoF2 acidic, basic, or neutral? Blank 3: amphoteric or amphiprotic. All strong acids and bases appear equally strong in H2O. Blank 1: electron Blank 2: proton, hydron, or cation HC 2 H 3 O 2 (acetic acid), H 2 CO 3 (carbonic acid), NH 3 (ammonia), and H 3 PO 4 (phosphoric acid) are all examples of weak electrolytes. A Bronsted-Lowry acid is a proton _____ and must therefore contain at least one ionizable _____ atom in its formula. Kb for ammonium hydroxide is 1.8 x 10-5 according to the following reaction. HSO4- has the lowest pKa value and is therefore the strongest acid with the lowest pH for solutions of the same concentration. Best sights of the knowledge base for you. Classify an aqueous solution with H+ = 3.3 x 10-5 M as acidic, basic, or neutral. 4) Is the solution of CH3NH3CN acidic, basic or neutral? A salt consisting of the anion of a weak _____ and the cation of a strong _____ yields a basic solution. Neutral. down and give us ions, sodium ion and hydroxide ion. {/eq} is described as a salt of weak acid that is acetic acid {eq}\rm \left( {C{H_3}COOH} \right) Examples; Sodium acetate ( CH3COONa) Sodium carbonate ( Na2CO3) Neutral salt: HOWEVER, Ka = Kb, so the solution is neutral. Ka is the acid-dissociation constant. If the pH value of a solution of the compound is less than seven, then the compound will be acidic. Select all that apply. x = 1.1 x 10-5 M which is the H3O+ concentration. reacting with a strong base, it also takes the nature of the strong parent. Select all that apply. In calculations involving polyprotic acids, we generally only take into account H3O+ formed from the first dissociation. Blank 2: OH-, hydroxide, hydroxide ion, or HO- For example in reactivity series there are mnemonics, so is there one for remembering weak and strong acids & bases? A strong acid will cease to exist in aqueous solutions because water will readily accept its proton to form hydronium ions. A weak acid is a weak electrolyte. The pH of an aqueous solution of 0.340 M methylamine (a weak base with the formula CH_3NH_2) is _____. Answer = SCl6 is Polar What is polarand non-polar? The anion of a weak acid can interact with H2O according to the balanced equilibrium equation: A- (aq) + H2O (aq) HA (aq) + OH- (aq). A strong acid dissociates completely into ions in water. Can we figure out what is NH4C2H3O2. Is a solution of the salt NH4NO3 acidic, basic, or neutral? Which of the options given expresses the solution to the following calculation to the correct number of significant figures? Examples of Lewis acids include Al3+, H+, BF3. NH3 or C2H7NO2). Is the pH of a 0.200 M solution of ammonium nitrate (NH_4NO_3) acidic, basic or neutral? For example, NH3 is the base, and NH4+ is the conjugate acid (the ionic form), so there is no involvement of hydroxide ions (those occur in strong bases, e.g. The approximate pH of these solutions will be determined using acid-base indicators. This results in the system automatically collecting data identifying who produced each pair of shoes and how much time it took to make them. Question = Is SbCl5 ( Antimony pentachloride ) polar or nonpolar ? OH^- = 3.0 \times 10^{-2}M Is it a base neutral or acidic? Which of the following solutions of HCN will have the greatest percent dissociation? Select all the compounds in the following list that are strong bases. At 7, neutral. (b) What is the K_b for hypochlorite ion? Now, with NaOH being a strong base and CH3COOH being a weak acid, the resulting solution is fundamental in nature. HCN has a Ka value of 6.3 x 10-10 while acetic acid has a Ka value of 1.8 x 10-5.

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is nh4c2h3o2 an acid or base